毕业 & 偿还贷款

Planning for the repayment of your student loans takes some thought 和 an evaluation of your situation 和 options. 对还款计划有深刻的理解, the hazards of default 和 how to resolve 联邦 student loan disputes is critical to your future financial health.

重要提示: 此页面上的信息仅适用于联邦学生贷款. 如果你从银行或信用合作社借了一笔私人教育贷款, you'll need to contact your lender to learn about repayment options 和 timelines.


查看我们的录音 春季贷款还款网络研讨会 然后跟着 的幻灯片. 如果您有任何问题,请与我们联系. 即使在你们毕业之后,我们也会帮助你们!





  • 出口咨询

    When you're no longer enrolled at DU, your first task will be to complete exit counseling. Exit counseling helps you underst和 your rights 和 responsibilities as a student loan borrower 和 will provide useful tips 和 information to help you manage your loans. You'll receive a communication from our office when it's time to complete this requirement.

    Exit counseling can be completed online, in about 30 minutes, through Student援助.政府. 你需要你的 FSA ID 登录.

  • 宽限期

    毕业后, 离校或中途退学, 对于直接贷款,你有六个月的宽限期. 在此期间,您不需要付款.

    在宽限期内,大多数贷款的利息继续增加. 虽然你不必支付利息,因为它累积, any unpaid interest is capitalized 和 added to the loan principal when repayment begins.

    Repayment begins the day after your grace period ends; your first payment is due within 60 days. You'll receive communication from your servicer about repaying your loans, 所以要注意你可能从他们那里收到的任何邮件或电子邮件.

  • 确定您的服务提供商

    The 联邦学生资助 website provides comprehensive information about your 联邦 贷款的历史, 包括您的服务联系信息, 贷款总额, 贷款状态. 访问您的帐户仪表板 和 scroll down to the "My Loan Servicers" section to view the servicer(s) for your loans..

    知道谁在为你贷款是很重要的, 因为你将在整个还款过程中直接与他们合作. A list of current 联邦 student loan servicers is available through Student援助.政府.

    记住,联邦学生援助网站只会显示你的 联邦 贷款的历史. 如果你借了私人教育贷款, 这些会出现在你的信用报告上, 和 you should contact your private lender directly regarding your repayment options.



You have several repayment options available to you with 联邦 student loans. Your servicer will automatically set up your loan on the st和ard repayment plan. 如果你需要低一点的付款, 申请以收入为导向的还款计划在美国,你的月供可以低至0美元.

这里是可用的快速概述 还款计划:

还款计划 付款及时间框架 其他信息
  • 固定的付款
  • 10年
  • 随着时间的推移,工资会越来越少
  • 付款每两年增加一次
  • 10年或25年
  • 随着时间的推移支付更多
  • 固定或分级付款
  • 25年
  • 负债3万或更多
  • 较低的月供
  • 10%可支配收入
  • 20或25年
  • 包括配偶双方的收入来计算付款
  • 可与PSLF
  • 即使是PSLF也要纳税
  • 10%可支配收入
  • 20年
  • 2007年10月1日后的新借款人
  • 可与PSLF
  • 是否可将配偶双方的入息一并计算
  • 不用PSLF纳税
  • 15%可自由支配收入
  • 20或25年
  • 是否可将配偶双方的入息一并计算
  • 可与PSLF
  • 不用PSLF纳税
  • 20%可自由支配收入
  • 25年
  • 与配偶共同偿还直接贷款
  • 是否可将配偶双方的入息一并计算
  • 可与PSLF
  • 不用PSLF纳税

有关每个计划的更多信息可通过 联邦学生资助.





贷款整合 合并多个联邦学生贷款, 有各种还款时间表, 合并成一笔贷款,每月还一次款. 所有联邦学生贷款都有资格合并, which can simplify the repayment process if you have more than one loan servicer. In some cases, it can also help you qualify for better repayment options. 一定要称一下 利与弊.

贷款宽恕 & 取消

Loan forgiveness 项目 promote careers in fields that are under-serviced or fields that meet particular community needs. 取决于你的情况, all or a portion of your loans may be cancelled or forgiven through these 项目.

  • 公共服务贷款豁免

    根据公共服务贷款减免(PSLF)计划, you can qualify for forgiveness of the remaining balance due on your 联邦 student loans after you make 120 payments while employed full-time by certain public service employers. The 120 required payments need to be made under the Direct Loan Program (meaning you may need to consolidate your loans into the DL Program upon graduation if a portion of your current loans are borrowed through the bank-based Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) or Perkins loan 项目). 所有以收入为导向的还款计划都有资格申请PSLF. 了解更多,看看你是否有资格 Student援助.政府.

  • 教师贷款减免

    The 教师贷款减免 Program is intended to encourage individuals to enter 和 continue in the teaching profession. 在这个项目下, 连续执教5年的全职教师, complete academic years in certain elementary 和 secondary schools that serve low-income families 和 meet other qualifications may be eligible for forgiveness of up to a combined total of $17,500美元的贷款本金和利息. 更多资料请浏览 Student援助.政府.

  • 帕金斯贷款取消

    In certain cases, all or a portion of your Perkins loan can be cancelled. Perkins loans can be cancelled for service as a full-time teacher in certain areas, 全职图书管理员, 执法, 公设辩护律师, 消防队员, 全职护士或医疗技术员, 全职家庭服务提供者, 为某些军事服务和和平队或行动志愿者. More information on Perkins loan cancellation can be obtained through the 学生账单办公室网站. 作为参考,帕金斯取消表格位于 学生账单办公室网站.


如果你认为你在偿还贷款方面有困难, 一定要立即联系你的贷款人或服务人员. They can help you change your payment plan to one that better fits your budget, or discuss deferment or forbearance options that will allow you to postpone your payments. 在你落后之前寻求帮助!

  • 延期

    延期s allow you to temporarily postpone the payment of your loan. 延期s are not automatic; you must apply 和 be approved by your lender. 最常见的延期原因包括:

    • 至少有一半时间返回学校
    • 失业或找不到工作
    • 经济困难
    • 在战争、国家紧急状态或军事行动期间现役
  • 忍耐

    If you do not qualify for a deferment, you may be eligible to request forbearance from your lender. 忍耐 is the temporary postponement or reduction in your monthly payment. 通常偿还贷款的时间会延长. 在此期间利息继续增加, so if you do not make interest payments it will increase your total loan balance. There are several different types of forbearance available depending on your situation, 而且必须得到服务人员的批准. 然而, you may be eligible to move to an income-driven repayment plan instead of going into forbearance, 所以一定要和你的服务员说!


